Upwork is today one of the most popular freelancing site, with a huge job marketplace catering to every category of freelancers worldwide.
Upwork was earlier known as Odesk and Elance which too were well known sites for Freelancing Agency, Clients offering jobs and freelancers looking for jobs or having specialization or some specific skill of higher level.
In order to carry out their day to day tasks smoothly they(Upwork Freelancers) also have a "Upwork Help Center" and a Live Chat System to resolve issues or problems that tend to be a part of every online or offline business relation.
Upwork help system is capable of resolving common issues immediately or within few hours or days. Their support staff takes prompt action to resolve problems at the earliest, yet, like every system they too have their limitation and boundaries within which they've to perform in limits which also makes business sense for the Upwork.
Yet, there are some issues that are not very common and need professional attitude to admit and resolve issues and problems that reveal defects within the system or some malfunctioning.
Such issues cannot be resolved by a junior support staff as they cannot accept or admit something that goes beyond they area which has been prescribed to them and need immediate attention of the seniors or such matter can lead to corporate embarrassment.
One such issue is reported below, which is still active, yet Upwork Staff isn't aware of the consequences it can lead to, as bad publicity can harm a lot in today's competitive world.
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This request has been rated as:
With the following comment:
I've no words to describe the treatment I've received in this particular support ticket from the support staff, else I never had a problem with the quality of support provided by them in past.
Request #8225465
Difference in Proposed Rate and Rate Displayed in Reports & Profile
I've been working on project "Need experienced SEM to help with ranking Microsites by zip code" for which I've proposed $9.99/hr i.e. $8.99 credited to my account.
But I've found that all reports and my profile are displaying this as 6 hours @ $7.00/hr instead of 6 hours @ $9.99/hr
This is not only effecting my future rates but also my earnings from current job.
Please look into this matter and let me know what is wrong with the system.
Yogesh Bailwal
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Good day! Glad you reached out to us about your contract concern. I am here to assist you on this matter.
After checking, I found that you are engaged in an hourly contract with Client, Kenny M (Contract ID 16383699 – Need experienced SEM to help with ranking Microsites by zip code). This contract is under your agency, Infoweb Services.
I looked into the offer details, which you accepted on May 13. It showed that hourly rate is $7.00/hour. Please see this screenshot for your reference,http://prntscr.com/b8b2mm

We highly encourage you to reach out to your Client and have this clarified. If this is not the rate you both agreed on, he can easily change it on his end.
I hope this helps. If I can be of further assistance, please reply to re-open this request, and I will be happy to help!
Have a nice day!
Upwork Customer Support | support.upwork.com
"From the Upwork Blog: Building a Mobile App? A Prototype Saved Our Product" and link to https://www.upwork.com/blog/2014/08/building-mobile-app-prototype-saved-product/
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Hi Maria,
I've re-verified the proposal, offer etc. and will like to reconfirm that my proposal as well as profile rate are $9.99 only as I haven't worked at a rate below this.
The proposal for the Contract ID 16383699 too was at the above rate and as far as I know and as per my discussions with the client we never discussed the rate and therefore its a mistake caused by system.
Why should I discuss this matter with the client now when rate was never an issue between us and I never expected to get changed automatically.
Is it possible for the client to change the proposed rate without asking the freelancer or the agency.
The screenshot of the offer which shows the rate is not available to me (I'm attaching a screenshot) and therefore isn't a part of the offer I accepted, I only accepted the offer on the rate I proposed.
So, please don't mark this ticket as resolved until rate and payment is corrected.
I never expected this to happen and do not agree with your suggestion to reach out to client when, it has nothing to do with the client but its a mistake caused by system.
Looking forward in hope that the mistake created by system is identified and this issue is resolved at the earliest.
Yogesh Bailwal
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Hello Yogesh,
Thank you for your continued patience and cooperation. We are currently looking into this issue for you. We will let you know as we have an update.
Please update this ticket by replying to this email at any time with additional information you feel will be useful. It is important to keep everything consolidated into a single ticket to be certain those working on it have all the details.
Thank you,
Upwork Customer Support
Thank you for your continued patience and cooperation. We are currently looking into this issue for you. We will let you know as we have an update.
Please update this ticket by replying to this email at any time with additional information you feel will be useful. It is important to keep everything consolidated into a single ticket to be certain those working on it have all the details.
Thank you,
Upwork Customer Support
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Hello Maria,
There is nothing left to be added on my part, I've already supplied all the relevant information which I hope is enough to understand the problems and its cause as well as to reach a solution.
I can only add that this has actually shattered my faith in Upwork system, as now I'll have to re-check everything manually, which was otherwise obvious.
I also feel that if this error recurs for other Upwork Users it can result in a serious problem.
Right now I understand and hope that things will be resolved shortly as the source of the problem obviously lies in a specific module of system coding.
Yogesh B.
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Hello Yogesh,
Thanks for patiently waiting.
Plesase know that your concern was escalated to the proper department for review. As advised, there was no bug with the offer. Records show that your Client sent you a job offer with $7.00/hour rate. Please know that when Clients send a job offer, they fill out a form in which option to edit hourly rate is available. Please see sample form, http://prntscr.com/b8n8z9. They added that if agreed amount was $9.99 and the offer you accepted was $7.00 only, this rate can be easily altered on their end.
To better assist you, I can go ahead and reach out to your Client to clarify your hourly rate on the said contract. Please advise if you want to us to proceed on this.
As to your other concern, since you were hired under your Agency, you may view the contract details. To view this on your end, select your Agency profile>My Jobs>Click on the Palo Digital contract title
Please see this screenshot, http://prntscr.com/b8nja7
We are asking for your continued patience. We’d be glad to hear from you soon.
Upwork Customer Support | support.upwork.com
"From the Upwork Blog: Building a Mobile App? A Prototype Saved Our Product" and link to https://www.upwork.com/blog/2014/08/building-mobile-app-prototype-saved-product/
Thanks for patiently waiting.
Plesase know that your concern was escalated to the proper department for review. As advised, there was no bug with the offer. Records show that your Client sent you a job offer with $7.00/hour rate. Please know that when Clients send a job offer, they fill out a form in which option to edit hourly rate is available. Please see sample form, http://prntscr.com/b8n8z9. They added that if agreed amount was $9.99 and the offer you accepted was $7.00 only, this rate can be easily altered on their end.
To better assist you, I can go ahead and reach out to your Client to clarify your hourly rate on the said contract. Please advise if you want to us to proceed on this.
As to your other concern, since you were hired under your Agency, you may view the contract details. To view this on your end, select your Agency profile>My Jobs>Click on the Palo Digital contract title
Please see this screenshot, http://prntscr.com/b8nja7
We are asking for your continued patience. We’d be glad to hear from you soon.
Upwork Customer Support | support.upwork.com
"From the Upwork Blog: Building a Mobile App? A Prototype Saved Our Product" and link to https://www.upwork.com/blog/2014/08/building-mobile-app-prototype-saved-product/
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Hello Maria,
I can understand that client can edit hourly rate, but it wasn't bought to my notice or I wasn't asked whether I was comfortable with the proposed rate.
Now, after working on the task and discussing the same with the client, it is not possible to discuss this issue.
The rates will be permanently listed on both profiles as agency/freelancer.
I'll definitely like you to reach out to client to clarify hourly rate.
In the mean time I'll like to know whether its my mistake and why should I accept the rate that neither I've proposed nor accepted(knowingly) as it wasn't clearly defined anywhere.
And why should I get a rate listed on my profile with which I'm not comfortable right now as it isn't what I suppose to have accepted.
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Hi Yogesh,
Appreciate the response.
Please know that a notification has been sent to your Client asking for clarification on the contract’s hourly rate. Rest assured that I would reach out to you as soon as I get a word from him.
Your continued patience is highly appreciated.
Upwork Customer Support | support.upwork.com
"From the Upwork Blog: Building a Mobile App? A Prototype Saved Our Product" and link to https://www.upwork.com/blog/2014/08/building-mobile-app-prototype-saved-product/
Appreciate the response.
Please know that a notification has been sent to your Client asking for clarification on the contract’s hourly rate. Rest assured that I would reach out to you as soon as I get a word from him.
Your continued patience is highly appreciated.
Upwork Customer Support | support.upwork.com
"From the Upwork Blog: Building a Mobile App? A Prototype Saved Our Product" and link to https://www.upwork.com/blog/2014/08/building-mobile-app-prototype-saved-product/
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No problem.
I only need to understand that when I proposed a rate and even after discussions client never said anything about the rate or he needs to decrease that.
When I accepted the offer, by no mean was it bought to my notice (that rates have been decreased).
I accepted the offer because I was comfortable with the rates I have proposed and accepted the same as nothing was explicitly bought to my notice at that time.
Only when I completed about approx. 6 hours, I discovered that the rates were changed both in reports and profile (which I initially thought was part of your new commission rates), but when I looked at things seriously I discovered that you only need to deduct 10% out of $9.99 which means crediting $8.99 in my account.
Now, you are asking the client for clarification, which isn't a problem for me.
May be client hadn't had changed the rate, yet he may have seen reports showing a lower hourly rate, which are supposedly not a problem for a client but a sign of a better deal. So, his reply will also have these components.
I only need an explanation, that why was I kept in dark (if its not a system error), why wasn't I explicitly told that rates have been decreased (if they are) and is it ok to you?
Yogesh B
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Hi Yogesh,
Good day! It is understandable that you wanted a clarification as to why contract rate is different from what you have on your profile. I am sure that your Client could provide us information to settle any uncertainties.
Please note though that by design, once a Client sends a job offer to a freelancer, it is a prerequisite that they review all the details. They could take three actions:
•They could accept the offer, and the hire is complete.
•They could decline the offer and withdraw their proposal.
•They could message the Client to discuss alternative terms e.g. contract rates, weekly limit, etc.
If your Client agrees to modify the contract rate to $9.99/hour, this can be easily done on his end. Changing the rate will end the current contract and start a new one automatically. All other terms and details will be identical.
For now, we are asking for your continued patience while we wait for your Client’s response. Rest assured that I would reach out to you once I receive a word from him.
I'm going to tentatively mark this ticket as Pending as I wanted to make sure that I am able to assist fully you on resolving this issue.
Have a nice day.
Upwork Customer Support | support.upwork.com
"From the Upwork Blog: Building a Mobile App? A Prototype Saved Our Product" and link to https://www.upwork.com/blog/2014/08/building-mobile-app-prototype-saved-product/
Good day! It is understandable that you wanted a clarification as to why contract rate is different from what you have on your profile. I am sure that your Client could provide us information to settle any uncertainties.
Please note though that by design, once a Client sends a job offer to a freelancer, it is a prerequisite that they review all the details. They could take three actions:
•They could accept the offer, and the hire is complete.
•They could decline the offer and withdraw their proposal.
•They could message the Client to discuss alternative terms e.g. contract rates, weekly limit, etc.
If your Client agrees to modify the contract rate to $9.99/hour, this can be easily done on his end. Changing the rate will end the current contract and start a new one automatically. All other terms and details will be identical.
For now, we are asking for your continued patience while we wait for your Client’s response. Rest assured that I would reach out to you once I receive a word from him.
I'm going to tentatively mark this ticket as Pending as I wanted to make sure that I am able to assist fully you on resolving this issue.
Have a nice day.
Upwork Customer Support | support.upwork.com
"From the Upwork Blog: Building a Mobile App? A Prototype Saved Our Product" and link to https://www.upwork.com/blog/2014/08/building-mobile-app-prototype-saved-product/
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Hi Maria,
I understand all the things that you've mentioned above and I am not asking my client anything regarding the rate as it was never a part of our discussions and nor was I told that job offer is offered at a lower rate.
Even the Upwork system didn't brought this to my notice and this information wasn't available to me. I only discovered it after complete my task and working for hours, out of which I've only claimed 6 hours.
Now, I'm not asking to change rate now but I am asking how and when the rates changed and who will bear the loss of this mistake.
If you say that I've accepted the offer at $7.00 instead of $9.99, you'll have to prove this as well as that I was aware (had explicitly accepted this new rate).
I'm spending more time on clarifying my stand in this support ticket then actually working for my clients as well as earning some money.
So, please don't take it lightly, its a serious matter.
Waiting for your response.
Yogesh Bailwal
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Hi Yogesh,
Thank you for your response.
I apologize for the confusion that this has caused you. Let me explain this further for you. Bidding jobs would change from time to time specially the rate. When you send a bid, it will automatically show your profile rate, but Clients has options to change your proposed rate when they send you and offer. The offer rate will be the basis of your contract rate. Not all offer should be accepted immediately if you found the rate inappropriate as offers will be created into a contract.
Kindly check the offer you accepted personally,https://www.upwork.com/offer/3580893 which created your current contract. It should be your obligation to review offers before accepting it. Thus, if you find the contract rate inappropriate, don't hesitate to contact your Client so you could arrive at the same expectations.
Hope this has addressed your concern. Please let me know if I can be of additional assistance in the meantime. I will be happy to help.
Upwork Customer Support | support.upwork.com
"From the Upwork Blog: Building a Mobile App? A Prototype Saved Our Product" and link to https://www.upwork.com/blog/2014/08/building-mobile-app-prototype-saved-product/
Thank you for your response.
I apologize for the confusion that this has caused you. Let me explain this further for you. Bidding jobs would change from time to time specially the rate. When you send a bid, it will automatically show your profile rate, but Clients has options to change your proposed rate when they send you and offer. The offer rate will be the basis of your contract rate. Not all offer should be accepted immediately if you found the rate inappropriate as offers will be created into a contract.
Kindly check the offer you accepted personally,https://www.upwork.com/offer/3580893 which created your current contract. It should be your obligation to review offers before accepting it. Thus, if you find the contract rate inappropriate, don't hesitate to contact your Client so you could arrive at the same expectations.
Hope this has addressed your concern. Please let me know if I can be of additional assistance in the meantime. I will be happy to help.
Upwork Customer Support | support.upwork.com
"From the Upwork Blog: Building a Mobile App? A Prototype Saved Our Product" and link to https://www.upwork.com/blog/2014/08/building-mobile-app-prototype-saved-product/
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Hi Jacquelyn,
Well, I understand all the things stated by you but I'm sorry to say that I was not alerted about the change in rate, it was never a part of our discussion with client.
Now, you are asking me to check the offer I've accepted personally, well I've definitely opened the offer link then and even after creating this support ticket a number of times.
I've myself attached the screenshot of offer I acceptedhttps://www.upwork.com/offer/3580893, in this support ticket on Wednesday at 21:43 and have clearly stated that "The screenshot of the offer which shows the rate is not available to me (I'm attaching a screenshot) and therefore isn't a part of the offer I accepted, I only accepted the offer on the rate I proposed." (5th para).
Now, you've inserted the hourly rate row, which wasn't otherwise visible. I've been keeping a daily record of this and was aware that it has been modified but didn't knew that you would later claim it as such.
I'm really very sorry, you are actually tossing with the reputation of the Upwork.com, you cannot blame anyone for a mistake in your system.
I'm no more interested in pursuing this ticket at this level, where I'm just wasting my time and efforts to prove something which is a fact and is also in your knowledge but you're simply not admitting it.
Here is the screenshot of the offer, which has been modified to show Hourly Rate now and didn't existed originally at the time when I accepted it or even after that until I let you know and you modified it.
Yogesh Bailwal
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Hi Yogesh,
Thank you for your response.
I have seek advise on your concern and our Engineering Team has confirmed that it is by design that Clients can send offer differently from your proposed rate. They have also investigated and there is no known issue that causes the rate to change from our end.
Hope this has addressed your concern. Please let me know if you require any additional assistance. I will be happy to help.
Upwork Customer Support | support.upwork.com
"From the Upwork Blog: Building a Mobile App? A Prototype Saved Our Product" and link to https://www.upwork.com/blog/2014/08/building-mobile-app-prototype-saved-product/
Thank you for your response.
I have seek advise on your concern and our Engineering Team has confirmed that it is by design that Clients can send offer differently from your proposed rate. They have also investigated and there is no known issue that causes the rate to change from our end.
Hope this has addressed your concern. Please let me know if you require any additional assistance. I will be happy to help.
Upwork Customer Support | support.upwork.com
"From the Upwork Blog: Building a Mobile App? A Prototype Saved Our Product" and link to https://www.upwork.com/blog/2014/08/building-mobile-app-prototype-saved-product/
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Hi Jacquelyn,
1 Well, I've had uploaded an image and am uploading two images below, I'll like you to tell me which one existed at the time I accepted the offer and which one exists now.
2 I'll also like you to tell me whether the changes that have been marked actually carried out by your team or not.
3 Who is responsible for the rate, which have been published on my profile for the current project.
4 How can these be changed and who will pay for the difference in the rate which I accepted (intentionally as well as in fact) and which are credited.
Please let me know the above as this ticket will not be resolved until things are admitted honestly.
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Here are the screen shot of thehttps://www.upwork.com/offer/3580893 of the offer, over a period of time.
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Hi Yogesh,
Thank you for your response.
I appreciate your effort in sending this screen shot. Let me explain this further for you. An Agency Freelancer has no access to the contract price. That is why when you view the offer link using your Freelancer account, you are not seeing any amount but if you view it under your Agency account, the amount will show. Kindly check this screen shot below:
Thank you for your response.
I appreciate your effort in sending this screen shot. Let me explain this further for you. An Agency Freelancer has no access to the contract price. That is why when you view the offer link using your Freelancer account, you are not seeing any amount but if you view it under your Agency account, the amount will show. Kindly check this screen shot below:


I have also checked your messages and your Client has confirmed that he has sent you an offer of $7/hour. Hope this has addressed your concern. Feel free to contact us anytime you needed further assistance.
Upwork Customer Support | support.upwork.com
"From the Upwork Blog: Building a Mobile App? A Prototype Saved Our Product" and link to https://www.upwork.com/blog/2014/08/building-mobile-app-prototype-saved-product/
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Hi Jacquelyn,
Thanks, you are making every effort to prove I'm wrong.
Each time your support is trying to twist and turn. Now, you've added another version, without actually replying to my queries listed in points for your convenience.
Well, now can you tell me which of the two images is real ( upwork-rate-offer-modified1.jpg (80 KB) or upwork-rate-offer.jpg (70 KB)) as both of them can't exist for a freelancer.
It is really ridiculous that even after 9 days your team doesn't seem to be interested in resolving this issue, instead they are more interested in closing it by putting the blame of the person who initiated the support.
If this is your final reply then let me know, I'll publish this matter and will ask people to decide what's right and what's wrong.
I'll also like to ask to compensate for the time I've wasted in all this in the last 9 days.
You cannot play like this with the sentiments and career of anyone, do you think I'm a person with a caliber of $7 hourly (much less then $6 in reality) payment.
Please note you're forcing me to seek help outside upwork system unnecessarily and if I have to I'll use all efforts to get justice.
If you are serious then please reply to all the queries I have, without actually trying to exploit me.
Yogesh Bailwal
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Hi Yogesh,
Thank you for your response.
I am deeply sorry for the frustration that this has caused you. This is not to put the blame on your end. I am here helping you clarify the real situation. Based on our investigation, you probably missed the part where the offer has an amount when you were accessing the offer form your Freelancer. It is by design that Agency Freelancer has no access to the contract price only the Agency owner.
Hope this has addressed your concern. Feel free to contact us anytime you needed further assistance.
Upwork Customer Support | support.upwork.com
"From the Upwork Blog: Building a Mobile App? A Prototype Saved Our Product" and link to https://www.upwork.com/blog/2014/08/building-mobile-app-prototype-saved-product/
Thank you for your response.
I am deeply sorry for the frustration that this has caused you. This is not to put the blame on your end. I am here helping you clarify the real situation. Based on our investigation, you probably missed the part where the offer has an amount when you were accessing the offer form your Freelancer. It is by design that Agency Freelancer has no access to the contract price only the Agency owner.
Hope this has addressed your concern. Feel free to contact us anytime you needed further assistance.
Upwork Customer Support | support.upwork.com
"From the Upwork Blog: Building a Mobile App? A Prototype Saved Our Product" and link to https://www.upwork.com/blog/2014/08/building-mobile-app-prototype-saved-product/
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June 06, 2016 18:32
Hi Jacquelyn,
It seems as if I've failed to clearly raise and explain the issue or you have missed that time and again.
Its ok, Agency freelancer has no access to contract price only the Agency owner.
I haven't raised the ticket to understand this.
ok, now asking you this as an Agency Owner.
I just want to know how did you intimate the freelancer or the agency owner that the proposed contract price has been changed by client.
Asking someone to work at a rate which is far below his/her proposed rate without his/her explicit consent, doesn't seems like exploitation. Taking advantage of the situation.
How can you hope to address my concern, when the basic thing for which this ticket was raise is still unresolved.
Please take a look at why I initiated this support ticket.
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June 08, 2016 21:56
Looking forward for amiable solution.
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June 09, 2016 18:38

When Clients make an offer, the system cannot change it unless the Client change it. In this link, https://support.upwork.com/hc/en-us/articles/211067598, it is stated that "Business managers can submit a proposal on behalf of any agency freelancer. They can edit or withdraw all agency proposals and accept or decline all offers." Hope this has clarify your concern. Feel free to contact us anytime you needed assistance.
Upwork Customer Support | support.upwork.com
"From the Upwork Blog: Building a Mobile App? A Prototype Saved Our Product" and link to https://www.upwork.com/blog/2014/08/building-mobile-app-prototype-saved-product/
Hi Yogesh,
Thank you for your response.
I am sorry that you feel that you are being exploited in this situation. Let me explain this further for you. When a Client sends you an offer, you have 3 options:
1. You could accept the offer, and the hire is complete.
2. You could decline your offer and withdraw their proposal.
3. You could message you to discuss alternative terms.
You may want to review this link for additional information,https://support.upwork.com/hc/en-us/articles/211063618. Kindly use your Client account in viewing this link. Checking further as well, I see in your conversation that Client is aware that he made an offer in $7/hour, as shown here, http://prntscr.com/be9y9c .
Thank you for your response.
I am sorry that you feel that you are being exploited in this situation. Let me explain this further for you. When a Client sends you an offer, you have 3 options:
1. You could accept the offer, and the hire is complete.
2. You could decline your offer and withdraw their proposal.
3. You could message you to discuss alternative terms.
You may want to review this link for additional information,https://support.upwork.com/hc/en-us/articles/211063618. Kindly use your Client account in viewing this link. Checking further as well, I see in your conversation that Client is aware that he made an offer in $7/hour, as shown here, http://prntscr.com/be9y9c .

Your client also posted the job at $7/hour as per your client, http://prntscr.com/bea011 .

When Clients make an offer, the system cannot change it unless the Client change it. In this link, https://support.upwork.com/hc/en-us/articles/211067598, it is stated that "Business managers can submit a proposal on behalf of any agency freelancer. They can edit or withdraw all agency proposals and accept or decline all offers." Hope this has clarify your concern. Feel free to contact us anytime you needed assistance.
Upwork Customer Support | support.upwork.com
"From the Upwork Blog: Building a Mobile App? A Prototype Saved Our Product" and link to https://www.upwork.com/blog/2014/08/building-mobile-app-prototype-saved-product/
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June 09, 2016 19:27
Hi Jacquelyn,
I know all the three 1,2,3 of when a Client sends an offer.
The conversation that you've mentioned took place only after this ticket was created and you informed the client about it. We never discussed this either before this or after this.
I'm not saying that client cannot change the rate and your system changed it.
I was assuming that may be your system have had some problem as I was not told that the rate was decreased by approx. $3
I simply want to know whether you've explicitly let me know that the rate have been changed or not.
That's all.
Yogesh B
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June 09, 2016 23:35
Hi Yogesh,
Thank you for your response.
There is no instance that our system changed your proposed rate. The offer is sent separately and it will not depend on your proposed rate, this will depend on what the Client will have to offer. Your proposed rate is just a mere basis for Clients in sending offers. The offer should be your discussion with Client. When you see that offer, and you have withdrawn it due to low rate, then the Client would send another offer until you accept it. And the offer itself is letting you know that the offer rate has decreased.
Feel free to contact us anytime you needed additional assistance.
Upwork Customer Support | support.upwork.com
"From the Upwork Blog: Building a Mobile App? A Prototype Saved Our Product" and link to https://www.upwork.com/blog/2014/08/building-mobile-app-prototype-saved-product/
Thank you for your response.
There is no instance that our system changed your proposed rate. The offer is sent separately and it will not depend on your proposed rate, this will depend on what the Client will have to offer. Your proposed rate is just a mere basis for Clients in sending offers. The offer should be your discussion with Client. When you see that offer, and you have withdrawn it due to low rate, then the Client would send another offer until you accept it. And the offer itself is letting you know that the offer rate has decreased.
Feel free to contact us anytime you needed additional assistance.
Upwork Customer Support | support.upwork.com
"From the Upwork Blog: Building a Mobile App? A Prototype Saved Our Product" and link to https://www.upwork.com/blog/2014/08/building-mobile-app-prototype-saved-product/
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June 09, 2016 23:59
Hi Jacquelyn,
I simply want to know whether you've explicitly let me know that the rate have been changed or not.
That's all.
Yogesh B
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June 10, 2016 02:52
Hi Yogesh,
Thank you for your response.
Yes, you are notified about the offer (http://prntscr.com/begp02)
Thank you for your response.
Yes, you are notified about the offer (http://prntscr.com/begp02)

and details are very clear on the offer page (http://prntscr.com/begpcl).

Please bare in mind that proposed rate is different from offer rate and it is sensible to review offers before accepting it.
Please let me know if you require any additional assistance. I will be happy to help.
Upwork Customer Support | support.upwork.com
"From the Upwork Blog: Building a Mobile App? A Prototype Saved Our Product" and link to https://www.upwork.com/blog/2014/08/building-mobile-app-prototype-saved-product/
Please let me know if you require any additional assistance. I will be happy to help.
Upwork Customer Support | support.upwork.com
"From the Upwork Blog: Building a Mobile App? A Prototype Saved Our Product" and link to https://www.upwork.com/blog/2014/08/building-mobile-app-prototype-saved-product/
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June 10, 2016 13:39
Hi Jacquelyn,
I haven't denied that I was notified about the offer (http://prntscr.com/begp02) but I do deny that details were clear on the offer page (http://prntscr.com/begpcl) or were notified to me explicitly.
The offer that I actually accepted can viewed in attached screenshot(upwork-rate-offer.jpg) which obviously wasn't displaying the rate at that time (and was later modified & rate column inserted).
Personally I don't have any problem with you so please don't mind, you're doing your duty and I'm asking for justice and my right.
If you still feel that I haven't been sensible to review the offer before accepting it and didn't noticed that the offer rate was different from the rate I proposed. I simply deny this as I've already attached the screenshot of the fact that existed at that time.
Are you denying the authenticity of the screenshots I've provided.
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June 10, 2016 17:21
Hi Yogesh,
Thank you for your response.
I really appreciate your clarification on this matter and I clearly see your view. I will consider this as a suggestion about our platform.
Please feel free to leave your feedback and/or suggestions in the feedback box, which is located at the bottom of nearly every Upwork page, while logged into your account. Simply scroll to the bottom and click the "feedback" link. The information will then be forwarded to the Product Management team for consideration.
We also encourage you to share your topics in our Community Forum, located at http://community.Upwork.com/. This allows the whole community to see it and discuss their thoughts. With feature suggestions especially, it is often helpful getting input from the entire community.
We appreciate your contributions toward the success of our marketplace, and please let us know if we can be of additional assistance.
Thank you,
Upwork Customer Support | support.upwork.com
"From the Upwork Blog: Building a Mobile App? A Prototype Saved Our Product" and link to https://www.upwork.com/blog/2014/08/building-mobile-app-prototype-saved-product/
Thank you for your response.
I really appreciate your clarification on this matter and I clearly see your view. I will consider this as a suggestion about our platform.
Please feel free to leave your feedback and/or suggestions in the feedback box, which is located at the bottom of nearly every Upwork page, while logged into your account. Simply scroll to the bottom and click the "feedback" link. The information will then be forwarded to the Product Management team for consideration.
We also encourage you to share your topics in our Community Forum, located at http://community.Upwork.com/. This allows the whole community to see it and discuss their thoughts. With feature suggestions especially, it is often helpful getting input from the entire community.
We appreciate your contributions toward the success of our marketplace, and please let us know if we can be of additional assistance.
Thank you,
Upwork Customer Support | support.upwork.com
"From the Upwork Blog: Building a Mobile App? A Prototype Saved Our Product" and link to https://www.upwork.com/blog/2014/08/building-mobile-app-prototype-saved-product/
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June 10, 2016 17:57
Hi Jacquelyn,
Thanks for the support but the matter is still unresolved, please let me know whether I can escalate the matter at a higher level at Upwork. I know you've your limitation and have to work within the prescribed limits.
I'll also consider your suggestion to forward this matter to Product Management Team as well as the community.
I have had no intention to create any problem for anyone and therefore didn't even reported this matter anywhere without actually seeking help honestly.
Now, it seems as if all doors have closed as simple things which are obviously visible aren't even admitted even after the passage of 15 days. I'm not blaming anyone personally but the system responsible for overlooking the truth in order to perform duties professionally.
I wasn't expecting this from Odesk/Upwork and even now I'm able to see hope.
If possible I'll like your support manager to give a suitable reply to my last update of this support ticket.
"I was notified about the offer (http://prntscr.com/begp02) but I do deny that details were clear on the offer page (http://prntscr.com/begpcl) or were notified to me explicitly.
The offer that I actually accepted can viewed in attached screenshot(upwork-rate-offer.jpg) which obviously wasn't displaying the rate at that time (and was later modified & rate column inserted)."
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June 11, 2016 17:57
Hi Yogesh,
Thank you for your response.
Yes, let me forward you to our Supervisor.
Feel free to contact us anytime you needed further assistance.
Upwork Customer Support | support.upwork.com
"From the Upwork Blog: Building a Mobile App? A Prototype Saved Our Product" and link to https://www.upwork.com/blog/2014/08/building-mobile-app-prototype-saved-product/
Thank you for your response.
Yes, let me forward you to our Supervisor.
Feel free to contact us anytime you needed further assistance.
Upwork Customer Support | support.upwork.com
"From the Upwork Blog: Building a Mobile App? A Prototype Saved Our Product" and link to https://www.upwork.com/blog/2014/08/building-mobile-app-prototype-saved-product/
@@@@@@@@@@@@ Request #8225465 @@@@@@@@@@@@@
Hi Jacquelyn,
Thanks for cooperation, looking forward desperately.
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How long will it take to update this ticket, am looking forward for an early resolution of this problem.
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Hi Yogesh,
Thank you for your patience.
My name is Michelle, one of the supervisors here at Upwork. I checked your concern and unfortunately, there is no other option for this. Please note that when the offer is made under the agency, the rates and details of the offer will only be shown in the agency account and not the freelancer account. Please also note that the proposed rate is not always the contract rate as clients have the option to accept that or offer a higher or a lower rate.
Please let me know if you have questions and I'd be happy to help.
Upwork Customer Support Lead | support.upwork.com | (855) 676 3375
"From the Upwork Blog: Building a Mobile App? A Prototype Saved Our Product" and link to https://www.upwork.com/blog/2014/08/building-mobile-app-prototype-saved-product/
Thank you for your patience.
My name is Michelle, one of the supervisors here at Upwork. I checked your concern and unfortunately, there is no other option for this. Please note that when the offer is made under the agency, the rates and details of the offer will only be shown in the agency account and not the freelancer account. Please also note that the proposed rate is not always the contract rate as clients have the option to accept that or offer a higher or a lower rate.
Please let me know if you have questions and I'd be happy to help.
Upwork Customer Support Lead | support.upwork.com | (855) 676 3375
"From the Upwork Blog: Building a Mobile App? A Prototype Saved Our Product" and link to https://www.upwork.com/blog/2014/08/building-mobile-app-prototype-saved-product/
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Hi Michelle,
Thanks for taking some time off for this support ticket. I understand the details you've provided above and am sorry to say that it still fails to resolve the issue.
I hope you've gone through this ticket and the things that have been discussed.
I just want to know whether I've been explicitly been informed as a freelancer or an agency that rate has been changed.
If No, then:-
1. Who will pay the difference in rate at least for the work which has been done.
2. Showing a rate which is lower then what I'm actually comfortable working isn't acceptable and should be updated.
3. The time and energy that I've spend in this ticket, has also impacted my work, I've used a number of hours in preparing and replying, now I'll like to claim even for that.
4. I don't know whether, your management agrees to the replies here but I'll definitely like to extend this matter legally, because its simply exploitation, refusal to admit.
I'll like to reiterate, that your system is forcing me to take next step. None of my concerns (including points raised) has been clearly attended, they were simply left unanswered.
If there is another level to escalate this ticket then please do the needful, 24 days have already passed.
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Hi Yogesh,
Thanks for your patience.
Please note that when you were sent an offer, the rate proposed by the client is there. It's up to you if you would like to accept that proposed rate or not. In this case, you accepted the offer which means you accepted your client's proposed rate. Kindly make sure to read all the details of the offer to prevent confusion. The rate you proposed is not always the contract rate. Your client has the option to offer you a higher or lower rate.
Please let me know if you have questions and I'd be happy to help.
Thanks for your patience.
Please note that when you were sent an offer, the rate proposed by the client is there. It's up to you if you would like to accept that proposed rate or not. In this case, you accepted the offer which means you accepted your client's proposed rate. Kindly make sure to read all the details of the offer to prevent confusion. The rate you proposed is not always the contract rate. Your client has the option to offer you a higher or lower rate.
Please let me know if you have questions and I'd be happy to help.
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Hi Michelle,
Thanks but I've clearly mentioned that I didn't accept & start working on this proposal at a rate which you say, was the offer rate.
I've clearly mentioned this time and again, that the offer was for the rate that were proposed by me.
I raised this ticket because I believed that it was due to a technical error as you're working on introducing new commission rates.
You can take a look at my reply dated June 01, 2016 20:54
with the screen shot of the offer, over a period of time.
with the screen shot of the offer, over a period of time.
upwork-rate-offer-modified1.jpg (80 KB)
upwork-rate-offer.jpg (70 KB)
upwork-rate-offer.jpg (70 KB)
What will you like to say about it, which one is real and which is fake, both of them were captured from the same URL (https://www.upwork.com/offer/3580893)
Waiting for your reply on the authenticity of screen shots.
Yogesh Bailwal
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Hi Yogesh,
Thank you for your patience.
I double-checked the offer, which you accepted on May 13 and can confirm that the rate was $7. Please see https://www.upwork.com/offer/3580893. Please also see http://prntscr.com/bj1d88 for the screenshot of offer acceptance.
There is no technical glitch here. The client did not accept your proposed rate and offered you $7 instead, which is shown on the offer. When the contract is accepted, the client has no way to decrease the rate. Only freelancers can decrease rates. What I can suggest in this situation is to talk to your client and ask for an increase.
Please let me know if you have questions and I'd be happy to help.
Upwork Customer Support Lead | support.upwork.com | (855) 676 3375
Thank you for your patience.
I double-checked the offer, which you accepted on May 13 and can confirm that the rate was $7. Please see https://www.upwork.com/offer/3580893. Please also see http://prntscr.com/bj1d88 for the screenshot of offer acceptance.
There is no technical glitch here. The client did not accept your proposed rate and offered you $7 instead, which is shown on the offer. When the contract is accepted, the client has no way to decrease the rate. Only freelancers can decrease rates. What I can suggest in this situation is to talk to your client and ask for an increase.
Please let me know if you have questions and I'd be happy to help.
Upwork Customer Support Lead | support.upwork.com | (855) 676 3375
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Hi Michelle,
I already know your version, I don't have any doubt about it.
I just want you to take a look at my reply dated June 01, 2016 20:54
with the screen shot of the offer, over a period of time.
with the screen shot of the offer, over a period of time.
upwork-rate-offer-modified1.jpg (80 KB)
upwork-rate-offer.jpg (70 KB)
upwork-rate-offer.jpg (70 KB)
Both of them were captured from the same URL (https://www.upwork.com/offer/3580893)
Just let me know which one of the above do you consider to be real i.e. the one which was actually captured from the above URL.
This is all that I'll like to know right now.
@@@@@@@@@@@@ ################# @@@@@@@@@@@@@
I'll like to request you to take a look at my reply dated June 01, 2016 20:54
with the screen shot of the offer, over a period of time.
with the screen shot of the offer, over a period of time.
upwork-rate-offer-modified1.jpg (80 KB)
upwork-rate-offer.jpg (70 KB)
upwork-rate-offer.jpg (70 KB)
Both of them were captured from the same URL (https://www.upwork.com/offer/3580893)
Just let me know which one of the above do you consider to be real i.e. the one which was actually captured from the above URL.
Please give me an answer, it will be a helpful step towards resolving this issue.
I'll be highly obliged.
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Well, I'm looking forward to hear your version now regarding my reply dated June 01, 2016 20:54 with the screen shot of the offer, over a period of time.
Unnecessary steps that your system has taken to overlook & now to skip admission of the fact is making me more worried & cautious about working with Upwork/Odesk sincerely in future.
I never realized that even top Online Businesses can behave like this, throwing their blame on another.
I'll wait for justice, as it can only be delayed not denied.
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Its ridiculous your Help Center is marking this ticket as resolved automatically, without actually taking a look at the problem and your solution.
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Please don't mark it as solved, until you've replied to question I've posed on June 21, 2016 17:59.
Yogesh B.
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All the above text is a part of an active support ticket (Request #8225465) pending on Upwork since May 25, 2016 and is still waiting for a satisfactory, sincere and honest reply from Upwork Job Marketplace, managers.
The Upwork System for Freelancer actually seems to have been re-developed with a pure profit motive at any cost, even if the quality of service, moral values are compromised.
They have clearly played foul, yet they are not ready to even admit the truth, they are simply trying to put the blame on someone, as their support seems to have limited rights & they are not supposed to even accept things honestly if they are against the interest of the company & may lead to loss of profit.
So, lets see how long they drag this ticket without accepting the truth & whether there are some legal options for an International Freelancer to raise his/her voice against exploitation by these big companies like Upwork.